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Content Writing Jobs - is one of the best content writing job on internet. People who really wants to spend there time in putting the best contents on internet here is the right place. All you've to do here is arrange the different contents from different companies database to their online server. This Job is no time consuming, No work Load, Nothing...Any One can do it in his/her spare time.

Content Writing Jobs is totally different from Online data entry, offline data entry or copy paste job. You might feel that its just data entry only like online and offline data entry jobs. Ofcourse, its data entry job only, but it has been categorized into a different section, like content management. Content writers are paid more because its a very responsible Job. However you don't have to worry much about this here, as you have to do just the job in the manner we ask.

We designed, this Content Writing Jobs in such a manner, that you won't feel any type of work load, burden or not even you've to worry about the accuracy. Daily we get atleast 500+ content writing Job from world wide. These companies ask us to put contents from their database into the right place on the server.

Here before you read on the FAQ's, please keep the below points in mind :

You will be provided with all the instructions, companies database, & servers.

All you have to do is arrange the contents in the relevant category on server.

Moreover, you won't get something like where again you have to search for jobs.

Content Writer is the best Jobs we think. Its very interesting, and many cases we found that our candidates like you who did great content writer jobs are hired by different companies and now working for them as a part time and full time and making massive income. This content writer job, is very good and career oriented. All the contents which you've to arrange will be of around 2-3 lines only.

Job Details

1. What is a content Writer?
A Content Writer is a person, who writes articles, arrange contents, edits contents or proof read the contents. Content writer field is very vast. Here as a content writer you don't have to write any articles (until & unless you want), all you've to do here is arrange the contents from the database of different companies, into the right categories on servers. You'll be provided with all the databases, servers, working guide & all the list of categories. You'll also get all the details like in which category you've to place particular contents. We have at present more than 5000+ companies waiting for you, and more than 10 millions of database. There is nothing to worry, that if work is over, or no database or categories.

2. What are the basic skills in content writer?
A content writer should have well knowledge of internet surfing, browsing websites, not necessary to have a good speed. You work from anywhere and from any pc at home or office. Our Job is open for world wide. You can work and earn from any country. Here payouts are given in USD currency, to know the payouts in your currency you can check out the website www.xe.com.

3. What’s the Basic concept of working as a Content Writer?
The concept of content writer job is very simple, as said in point no.1, content writing field is very vast and is used in every internet or website related thing. Here as a content writer our Job is arrange the contents for companies in right categories. It's not like that you have to spend hours in searching the content and right categories for them. Along side the content, you will find the details of like in which category you have to put. Its all matter or minutes or seconds.

4. Is it compulsory to work for all the contents and categories I see in the database given to me?
No its not compulsory. You can work for contents of your choice, millions of contents will be there, work for what you want. No restrictions.

5. Do I've to write myself anything other than getting contents from the database?
No. Not . In very rare case, if you feel that, adding few words may make the content nice, you can do. Even if you don't do, than also you will be paid.

6. Is there any type of Accuracy going to be counted, or what If I see any spelling mistakes in the contents?
There is no accuracy here, as you gonna use the contents from their database, so even if there is mistake in it, you don't have to worry. However, if you want you can make spelling corrections. But its all very rare things, 99% there won't be any mistakes, if there is any spelling mistakes, we recommend you to correct it, if you know, or else leave it as it is. You will be paid as per the payment chart.

7. How many content can I put in a single category?
In a single category, you can put at the most 10 contents daily. If we'll ask you to put more contents in it. Moreover, you'll get thousands of categories, so better choose different categories every time.

8. What should be the length of the contents?
Its not fixed, however it will range from 2 lines to 4 lines at the most. Not more than this.

9. How will I know that my work is valid & I'll be paid for that ?
You'll be notified by email and also on server you can instantly see all your completed job work, you can even make any changes in it if you want. You will also have your My account section there with all your details. If you are making mistakes in putting content in right category, than that work will not be counted, however before end of the month you can make changes in it or any correction and you can verify all your work any time. You can update your job work every month before 30th only. This is very easy Job, & you'll be paid for each work from your side.

10. How much I'll be paid for each content writing Job ?
Payment per content reporting totally depends on your working plan. We have 2 working plans for candidates to work as part time and one whose wants to spend atleast 4-5 hrs in this job.

Registration Fees [Non Refundable]

- $ 47USD ( 3499 inr ) For Basic Plan

- $ 60USD ( 4499 inr ) For Professional Plan

Pro Writers - Here you will be paid per content writing

As per this plan, you have to do a minimum of content writing every month in order to get paid. Maximum you can do is content writing. Minimum earning will be per month & Maximum you can earn under this plan is per month.

Featured Content Writers - Here you will be paid per content writing. Apart from these, you will also avail the below benefits. As per this plan, you have to do a minimum of content writing job every month in order to get paid. Maximum you can do is . Minimum earning will be per month & Maximum you can earn under this plan is per month.

Additional Earning

1. Payment as per your ranking on the server which will be additional 20% of your total Income.

2. You'll be entitled in career oriented category, where all your details & Photo will be visible to different companies, who may appoint you as per your work & can give you additional direct Jobs.

3. Additional Bonus, from our side as per your work - means if you do more than 80% of the content writing work, you will get additional 25% of your total Income.

11. Why I've to pay registration fees ?
Registration Fees is very important here. It includes server charges which we run 24hrs for you. It also includes our expense like administrative charges, Live support Charges, Account Maintenance Charges, Mailing and Postal charges for life time if any .

Moreover we kept registration fees, for the work we do for you like providing the best home job for you which is 100% Genuine & Scam Free. Legitimate Home Jobs are never published on internet, its all distributed by consultants like us. We also take care of all your monthly payments.

Another and atlast reason for this registration fees is to keep away spam workers. If we keep the job totally free than in a single day millions of people will register and it will be totally impossible for us to know who is the genuine worker and to whom we should provide the Job. Also its very dangerous for our secure servers to give access to spam workers.

Perfect, I got all my points cleared out for the moment, what if I get any problem or query in future or after registering with the job work whom to contact and how?
Once you register, you will be provided with the My Account, which will be having complete instant customer care support center and live chat options 24hrs, which you can use to clarify all your doubts. You can also visit our knowledgebase section for any query. Paid members get special attention phone nos.

12. Ok Now I’m satisfied & interested in this Content Writing Job, let me know how to proceed and Join this Job?
To get started as a freelance content writer for different companies. We offer you 2 different Job plans.

Registration Fees

(1) : Content Writer Job Basic Plan : $ 47USD ( 3499 Indian Rupees )

(2) : Content Writer Job Professional Plan : $ 60USD ( 4499 Indian Rupees )

To know more difference about above plans click here >>

To Get started as a content writer fill the online application form and deposit the amount to our bank account or online fund transfer to our bank account.

13. After making the payments What I’m going to get?
On receipt of your payment, we will send a email containing your Content Creator Id No., A server site where you will submit all your content writing Jobs, database details & categories.

14. In case I've any query where should I contact?
In case you've any query you can send mail to
or call us on the nos. given in contact us section.

  • Trustworthy Workers
  • Perfectionists Designers
  • Intelligent Planner
  • Available 24x7 Support
  • Hard Working Labours
  • Friendly and Helpful
Sign Up Fee R 99 R 199 R 299 R 399
Payment Cycle Monthly Bi-Monthly Weekly Weekly
Target or Accuracy None None None None
Total Content-Writing Per Month 1,000 1,500 2,000 2,500
Amount Per Content-Writing R 10 R 12 R 14 R 15
Max Payout per Month R 10000 R 18000 R 28000 R 37500
* Additional 20% payment of total monthly income as per Rankings given by companies Not Eligible Not Eligible Eligible Eligible
* Entitled for Carrier with companies Not Eligible Not Eligible Eligible Eligible
* Additional 25% payment of total monthly come if more than 80% of Job done Not Eligible Not Eligible Eligible Eligible
Accessibility 1 Person Per Account 2 Person Per Account 3 Person Per Account 4 Person Per Account
Contract Period 12 Months (1 Year) 12 Months (1 Year) 12 Months (1 Year) 12 Months (1 Year)

We qualified to work with the best

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To make the Payment, you must first fill and submit the Online Registration Form on this page.
On Successful submission, you'll be redirected to the payment page, where you can then complete the registration by making the payment.

For alternate payment options, Check out 'Payment Option' in the 'Join Now' page.

Indian candidates may deposit cash or transfer fund through "Fund Transfer" in the bank accounts given & forward the details such as: Transaction ID or Cash counter slip through E-Mail to contact@resovista.com

Upon payment confirmation, Job details will be sent to your E-mail Address within 24hrs.
Online form submission is mandatory.

International Candidates may read the Payment Option Page >> To find options other than credit card and paypal, if available.